Kate Ho is a Professor of Economics and the Co-director of the Center for Health and Wellbeing at Princeton University. Prior to this, she was an Associate Professor of Economics at Columbia University. Her research focuses on the industrial organization of the medical care market. Her publications include “Insurer-Provider Networks in the Medical Care Market” (2009, American Economic Review), “Let Them Have Choice: Gains from Shifting Away from Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance towards an Individual Exchange” (2013, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, co-authored with Leemore Dafny and Mauricio Varela) and “Hospital Prices, Hospital Choices, and Financial Incentives to Physicians”(2015, American Economic Review, co-authored with Ariel Pakes). Her work has been recognized by the International Health Economics Association (which voted her the Arrow Award for best paper published in 2009) and the Journal of Applied Econometrics (the Stone Prize for best paper in 2006/7). Prior to her academic career she spent four years as private secretary (Chief of Staff) to the U.K. Minister of State for Health.
Professor Ho has a Ph.D. in Business Economics from Harvard University.