Fabian Kosse

Fabian Kosse is Professor of Economics at LMU Munich and Research Affiliate at the Institute of Behavior and Inequality (briq). Prior to this, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute for Applied Microeconomics (University of Bonn). His main fields of interests are economics and psychology, and applied microeconomics.

He received a Ph.D. in Economics from the Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE). Previously, he studied Economics and Management at the University of Mannheim and the University of Miami.

Pia Pinger

Pia Pinger is Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Cologne and briq Research Associate. Her main fields of research are education economics, behavioral economics, and applied microeconometrics. The common theme of her research program is human capital and socioeconomic inequalities. She has written papers on educational decision-making, early childhood health, personality and economics, and on the effect of macroeconomic shocks on education and health outcomes.

Caitriona Logue

Caitriona Logue's research interests are Applied Econometrics, Early Childhood Development, Economics of Skill Formation, Labour Economics, Development Economics, Field Experiments, Policy Evaluation.

Pamela Giustinelli

Pamela Giustinelli is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Bocconi University. Dr. Giustinelli's primary interests lie in modeling and empirical analysis of decision making under Knightlian uncertainty, especially within-household decision making and interactions within the human capital domain (education, health, labor supply, long-term care).

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