Eva Jablonka

Eva Jablonka is a professor in the Cohn Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas, Tel-Aviv and a member of the Sagol School for Brain Research. Her main interest is the understanding of evolution, especially evolution that is driven by non-genetic hereditary variations, and the evolution of nervous systems and consciousness. She has published many papers and co-authored several books on these topics.  Her post-Doctoral studies were in the Philosophy of Science, and in Developmental Genetics.

Christopher Kuzawa

Christopher Kuzawa is a human biologist and biological anthropologist with interests in developmental biology, epidemiology, and evolutionary biology. Kuzawa's research focuses on the impact of the intrauterine and early postnatal environments on development and adult health. His work in the Philippines explores the long-term impacts of early environments on male reproduction, cardiovascular disease risk, immunity, and the intergenerational impacts of nutritional stress on birth outcomes.

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