Stout Professor of Political Sci & Econ
Yale University
Network Member

Books relevant to inequality: Theories of Distributive Justice, Harvard UP, 1996 Equality of Opportunity, Harvard UP, 1996 Political Competition, Harvard UP, 2001 Racism, Xenophobia, and Distribution, Harvard UP, 2006 Many papers on equality of opportunity, applied and theoretical. Papers as well on political economy of inequality. A central current interest is intergenerational equity in the presence of global warming: what is the equitable way to allocate carbon emissions across generations? And intra-temporally: What is the equitable way to allocate these emissions across regions of the world in the next century? See papers on website.

Roemer received an A.B. (Summa Cum Laude) in Mathematics from Harvard College in 1966, and a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1974.
