Rodrigo Pinto

Rodrigo Pinto is an Assistant Professor of Economics at University of California, Los Angeles. Pinto was a Fulbright Scholar (2004-2009) and a McArthur Fellow. Working with the Nobel Laureate in Economics Dr. James Heckman, he has published a series of papers on the economics of human capital accumulation of early childhood interventions and policy evaluations. His research focuses on modeling, inference, cost-benefit analysis, external validity and treatment effect estimation of social experiments.

Seong Hyeok Moon

We note with sadmess the passing of HCEO member Seong Hyeok Moon, who passed away at his home in Seoul June 18, 2024. He had been active in the Institute of Economic Research of Seoul National University. He was a Research Fellow at Economics Research Center in the Department of Economics, University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago in 2011. His research interests include empirical labor economics and micro-econometrics, with a particular focus on skill formation, intergenerational transmission and early childhood intervention.

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