Distinguished Professor of Economics
Ball State University
Network Member

David Mitchell serves as the Distinguished Professor of Political Economy at Ball State University and the director of the Institute for the Study of Political Economy. Before starting at Ball State University, he taught at the University of Central Arkansas, St. Mary’s College of California, and the University of South Alabama. I was a visiting scholar in the finance department at National Dong Hua University in Taiwan from 2017-2018.

His research interests are on state-level regulation impacting health, entrepreneurship, and government finances. I am currently focused on shifting the supply of health care. My publications include Forbes.com, the Southern Economic Journal, the Journal of Small Business Management, Small Business Economics, Public Choice, the American Journal of Managed Care, and the Journal of Rural Health.

Mitchell earned my B.S. and MA in economics from Clemson University and was awarded hid PhD in economics from George Mason University. Prior to earning his PhD, he worked in the insurance industry in the United States and Germany.

Fields of Study