Independent Consultant
Former Education Advisor, Human Development Network, World Bank (retired)
Network Member

Jee Peng Tan retired from the World Bank in December 2013 following a fulfilling 32-year career. She was a Visiting Senior Fellow at the National University of Singapore during July-Dec 2014 where she taught the Business School’s inaugural undergraduate course on Measuring Success in Philanthropy and Impact Investing.

At her last post at the World Bank, as Education Advisor in Human Development Network, she pioneered the workforce development domain of the Systems Approach for Better Education Results initiative which advances implementation of the World Bank’s 10-year education strategy; and coordinated creation of the multi-country Skills toward Employment and Productivity initiative dedicated to skills measurement. In earlier positions, Dr. Tan led teams for a decade in the Africa Region where highlights include: systematic policy analysis of and advocacy for education and health under the Highly Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and later under the Education for All Fast Track Initiative; creation of the Africa Program for Education Impact Evaluation to expand use of randomized controlled trials; launch of the New Economy Skills for Africa Program in Information and Communication Technology; and facilitation of policy exchange between African policy makers and their Asian counterparts, in China, India, Singapore and Vietnam. She initiated use of Quality Enhancement Reviews for World Bank education operations, designed tools for policy analysis, and created the inaugural edition of EdStats, a platform for knowledge- and data-sharing.

Dr. Tan received her education in economics from the London School of Economics (BSc.) and Princeton University (PhD).
