Simon Calmar Andersen

Simon Calmar Andersen is Professor at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus University. His research examines the effects of education policies and interventions. He has published work in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Public Administration Review and Public Administration among others.

Fuhua Zhai

Fuhua Zhai is an Associate Professor at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service and a Research Associate at Columbia University Population Research Center. His research interests include early childhood education, early interventions, child maltreatment and child welfare, cultural values and child rearing practices, and cross-national child and family policies and programs. He has been using experimental designs and rigorous statistical methods to estimate impacts of programs and policies, especially those targeting children from low-income families.

Rodrigo Pinto

Rodrigo Pinto is an Assistant Professor of Economics at University of California, Los Angeles. Pinto was a Fulbright Scholar (2004-2009) and a McArthur Fellow. Working with the Nobel Laureate in Economics Dr. James Heckman, he has published a series of papers on the economics of human capital accumulation of early childhood interventions and policy evaluations. His research focuses on modeling, inference, cost-benefit analysis, external validity and treatment effect estimation of social experiments.

Seong Hyeok Moon

We note with sadmess the passing of HCEO member Seong Hyeok Moon, who passed away at his home in Seoul June 18, 2024. He had been active in the Institute of Economic Research of Seoul National University. He was a Research Fellow at Economics Research Center in the Department of Economics, University of Chicago. He received his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Chicago in 2011. His research interests include empirical labor economics and micro-econometrics, with a particular focus on skill formation, intergenerational transmission and early childhood intervention.

Cassie Landers

Since 1985, Dr. Landers has worked with UNICEF and other international agencies to promote policies and programs in support of children and their families. Over the past 20 years, she has provided technical assistance and support to child development programs in over 60 countries throughout Southern Africa, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. She has extensive experience in the design, implementation, and training of practitioners at all levels, developing global interventions ranging from parenting education to developmental pediatrics.

Tanja Jungmann

Tanja Jungmann is Professor in early intervention and speech/language pathologies at the Universität Rostock. From October 2006 to September 2009, she held a junior professorship in special educational psychology at the University of Hannover. Her studies and doctoral thesis are in developmental psychology, and took place at the University of Bielefeld. Jungmann is a leading researcher in early intervention projects (especially pilot project "Pro Kind"), RCT, evaluation and implementation research.

James J. Heckman

James J. Heckman has devoted his professional life to understanding the origins of major social and economic problems related to inequality, social mobility, discrimination, skill formation and regulation, and to devising and evaluating alternative strategies for addressing those problems. His research recognizes the diversity among people in skills, family origins, peers, and preferences as well as the diversity of institutions and regulations and the consequences of this diversity for analyzing and addressing social and economic problems.

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