Li Gan

Li Gan, Clifford Taylor Jr. Professor of Economics at Texas A&M University and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, is a specialist in econometrics and applied microeconomics. He obtained Bachelor of Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1987, Master of Science in statistics and PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1998. He has published extensively in areas such as econometric theory, economics of aging, public economics, and Chinese economy.

Laia Navarro-Sola

Laia Navarro-Sola is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) at Stockholm University. She studies questions in the fields of education, human capital, and labor economics, mostly focusing on developing countries. Her research examines the labor market returns of televised lessons in schools, the multidimensionality of parental school preferences, and the impacts of lowering barriers to remote education on parental educational investment responses and student learning.

Ashok Rai

Ashok Rai is a Professor of Economics at Williams College. His research is on the inequality that arises from unequal financial access. He has written on microfinance design and is now working on the global coffee trade.

Rai has a B.A. from Stanford University and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.

Hillel Rapoport

Hillel Rapoport is Professor of Economics at the Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, and a research fellow at IZA, CESifo, Harvard Center for International Development, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, CEPII and EUI's Migration Policy Center. A member of Bar-Ilan University’s Economic Department until 2013, he also held visiting positions at Stanford University (in 2001-03) and at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (in 2009-11).

Ian Coxhead

Ian Coxhead is an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He specializes in the study of growth, trade and development, with a regional focus on the emerging and transitional economies of Asia. His research is focused on labor markets, migration and educational choices as the primary mechanisms through which individuals and households in such economies are affected by and respond to changes in economic conditions emanating from policy reform, globalization and real global shocks.

Anjali Adukia

Anjali Adukia is an Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy. Her research is focused on understanding factors that influence educational decisions and the potential role for institutions such as government agencies and non-profit organizations to improve child outcomes, particularly at the intersection of education and health. Her current work examines how the provision of basic needs - such as sanitation, clothing, and transportation - can increase school participation in developing contexts.

Gustavo Ventura

Gustavo Ventura is a Professor in the Economics Department of the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He previously held positions at the University of Western Ontario, Pennsylvania State University, and the University of Iowa. His research interests are on inequality, taxation and economic development from a macroeconomic perspective.

Michèle Tertilt

Michèle Tertilt is Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim. After finishing her doctorate in 2003 she became an Assistant Professor of Economics at Stanford University. During academic 2006/07, she spent a year visiting the University of Pennsylvania. In 2007/08 she was a National Fellow at the Hoover Institution. In 2009 she was awarded the prestigious Sloan Research Fellowship. Tertilt joined the Economics Department at Mannheim University in September 2010.

Marla Ripoll

Marla Ripoll is a Professor of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh, where she also serves as Core Faculty of the Center of Latin American Studies and the Global Studies Program.

She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Macroeconomics, a member of the Advisory Board of the Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference, a member of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Group, and a member of the Economics Research Network of the Colombia Central Bank.

Albert Park

Albert Park is Chair Professor of Social Science, Professor of Economics, and Senior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is also a research fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR); the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), and the International Growth Centre (DFID/Oxford/LSE). He previously held faculty positions at the University of Michigan and University of Oxford.

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