Martín García-Vázquez

Martín García-Vázquez is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis.  His research lies in Labor Economics broadly defined. His current research topics include Health Economics, Child Development, and the Econometrics of structural models.

He holds a BA in Economics from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, a M.Sc. in Economics and Finance from CEMFI and a Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. 

Sebastian Gallegos

Sebastian Gallegos is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the UAI Business School, Chile. He holds a PhD from The University of Chicago Harris School, with a field specialization at the Department of Economics, taught by Jim Heckman, Bob LaLonde, and Dan Black.

Professor Gallegos was a Postdoctoral Scholar and Lecturer at Princeton University, with the Department of Economics. He also worked as Research Economist at the Inter-American Development Bank (SPD) in Washington, DC.

Aaron Sojourner

Sojourner is Senior Economist at the W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research. He was formerly associate professor at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. His research focuses on 1) effects of labor-market institutions, 2) policies to promote efficient and equitable development of human capital with a focus on early childhood and K-12 education systems, and 3) behavioral economic approaches to consumer finance decisions.

Jorge Luis Garcia

Jorge Luis García is an Assistant Professor in the John E. Walker Department of Economics at Clemson University. He is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University and a Quintiles Fellow at the Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics at the University of Southern California. He is an applied microeconomist working at the intersection of labor and development economics. Garcia's research focuses on education, fertility, and labor force participation.

Barbara Wolfe

Barbara Wolfe is the Richard A. Easterlin Professor of Economics, Population Health Sciences, and Public Affairs and Faculty Affiliate at the Institute for Research on Poverty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses broadly on poverty and health issues.

Brant Abbott

Brant Abbott is an Assistant Professor of Economics at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He is a macroeconomist working on inequality, human capital, and education decisions. His work primarily investigates how human capital is interrelated with overall economic inequality. For example, he investigates how economic inequality affects the distribution of human capital in future generations, and how accounting for the value of human capital changes measurements of economic inequality.

Joseph Ferrie

Joseph Ferrie has been a member of Northwestern University's Department of Economics since 1991. His research focuses on (1) the role of early-life experiences (household socioeconomic status, exposure to environmental insults) in later-life outcomes (human capital and health); and (2) mobility across generations in socioeconomic status.

Ferrie received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago in 1992.

Duncan Thomas

Duncan Thomas is the Robert F. Durden Professor of Economics and Professor of Global Health at Duke University. After completing his Ph.D. at Princeton University, he was on the faculty at Yale, RAND and UCLA. He works on population health, human capital and the family focusing on low income populations and the impact of natural disasters, health shocks and economic shocks. To provide evidence on these questions, he has invested heavily in the design and implementation of complex large-scale population-based longitudinal studies.

Friedhelm Pfeiffer

Friedhelm Pfeiffer studied economics at the Universities of Freiburg i. Br., Bern (Switzerland) and Mannheim. He is a senior researcher at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and a lecturer at the University of Mannheim, Department of Economics. For his research on the determinants of self-employment and on wage rigidities in the German system of wage determination he received several scientific awards, among others the Wolfgang-Ritter Award.

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