Kerwin K. Charles is the Indra K. Nooyi Dean & Frederic D. Wolfe Professor of Economics, Policy, and Management at the Yale School of Management. His work has examined such questions as how mandated minimum marriage ages affects young people's marriage and migration behavior; the effect of racial composition of neighborhoods on the social connections people make; the causes for the dramatic convergence in completed schooling between recent generations of American men and women; differences in visible consumption across racial and ethnic groups; the effect of retirement on subjective well being; the propagation of wealth across generations within a family; and many dimensions of the effect of health shocks, including on family stability and labor supply. He was previously the Edwin and Betty L. Bergman Distinguished Service Professor in the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and an elected Fellow of the Society of Labor Economics. He serves on the Board of Trustees of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, is a member of the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee, and sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Labor Economics.