Pablo Mitnik

Pablo A. Mitnik is a Social Science Research Scholar at the Center on Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University. He conducts research on intergenerational social and economic mobility, labor markets, economic inequality, and statistical methods.

Mitnik received BA degrees ("licenciaturas") in Social Communication and in Economics from the Nacional University of Cordoba (Argentina), a master's degree in Sociosemiotics from the same university, and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Yu Xie

Yu Xie is Otis Dudley Duncan Distinguished University Professor of Sociology, Statistics, and Public Policy at the University of Michigan. At Peking University, he is Visiting Chair Professor of Sociology and Director of the Center for Social Research. He is also a Research Professor at the Population Studies Center and the Survey Research Center of the Institute for Social Research, and a Faculty Associate at the Center for Chinese Studies.

Lars Peter Hansen

Lars Peter Hansen, an internationally known leader in economic dynamics, is the founding director of the Milton Friedman Institute for Research in Economics. Hansen has been one of the forces behind the development of the Institute. He served as chairman of the faculty steering committee that recommended MFI’s creation and gave it scholarly direction.

Glenn Firebaugh

Glenn Firebaugh is a methodologist and author of Seven Rules for Social Research (Princeton, 2008). He is best known for his work on measuring inequality and segregation, for estimating contextual effects and avoiding the ecological fallacy, and for developing methods for decomposing social change into its individual-level and population composition components. Currently he is using U.S. census data to investigate neighborhood inequality (variation in the socioeconomic quality of neighborhoods), particularly as it relates to race.

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