The Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality provides a state-of-the-art overview of the study of inequality and human flourishing both globally and more specifically in China. It is designed for graduate students and young faculty and aims to both encourage younger scholars and to promote interactions between Western-based and China- based researchers. Through rigorous lectures, students will be exposed to the tools needed to study inequality. These tools are particularly important because the integration of psychological and sociological insights into the foundations of human behavior into conventional economic models requires new methods.

During this intense program, students attended lectures, engaged in discussions with leading faculty, presente their own research, and interacted with peers.

Students are selected from a diverse, competitive applicant pool and represent many disciplines including: economics, public policy, sociology, social thought, and social work. Faculty are selected by the SSSI directors from the fields of economics, finance, statistics, and sociology.

SSSI has been previously held in Chicago (2012 and 2013), Beijing (2013 and 2014) and Cambridge, UK (2014).

For general information, please visit our Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality information page.

If you were a registered student and would like to access the reading materials, please see information e-mail titled "Important: Details for SSSI Beijing 2015".