Fifth Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality Chicago (SSSI Chicago 2017)

Students smiling and watching a summer school lecture.
Students smiling and watching a summer school lecture.
Flavio Cunha
Flavio Cunha
Flavio Cunha talking to the class of summer school students
Flavio Cunha talking to the class of summer school students
Summer school students in conversation at their seats.
Summer school students in conversation at their seats.
A student listens to a lecture, smiling.
A student listens to a lecture, smiling.
Students seated in front of their laptops, in conversation
Students seated in front of their laptops, in conversation
Manasi Deshpande
Manasi Deshpande
A student asking a question.
A student asking a question.
A summer school student standing in front of her research during poster sessions.
A summer school student standing in front of her research during poster sessions.
Chris Taber discussing a student's work during poster sessions.
Chris Taber discussing a student's work during poster sessions.
Larry Blume in conversation with a student during poster sessions.
Larry Blume in conversation with a student during poster sessions.
Students stand in conversation during poster sessions.
Students stand in conversation during poster sessions.
A student presents her work during poster sessions.
A student presents her work during poster sessions.
Three students stand in conversation during poster sessions.
Three students stand in conversation during poster sessions.
A student presents her work during poster sessions, while other students listen.
A student presents her work during poster sessions, while other students listen.
An overhead view of a student presenting her work during poster sessions.
An overhead view of a student presenting her work during poster sessions.
Larry Blume in conversation with a student during poster sessions.
Larry Blume in conversation with a student during poster sessions.
A student presents hris work during poster sessions, while another student listen.
A student presents hris work during poster sessions, while another student listen.
Mario Luis Small
Mario Luis Small
Mario Luis Small talks to a group of students after his lecture.
Mario Luis Small talks to a group of students after his lecture.
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The 2017 Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality in Chicago will provide a state-of-the-art overview on the study of inequality and human flourishing. Participants will learn about the integration between psychological and sociological insights into the foundations of human behavior and conventional economic models. Through rigorous lectures students will be trained on various tools needed to study the issue of inequality.  The summer school is open to graduate students from around the world. There is no fee to attend SSSI Chicago. Students will be provided lodging for the week as well as breakfast and lunch daily. Students are expected to cover travel costs to and from the Summer School and any additional expenses they may incur. 

Please direct any questions to the HCEO Coordinator.


August 7, 2017


Human Capital Formation in Childhood and Adolescence


Lunch Break


Market Design Perspectives on Inequality

August 8, 2017


Lunch Break


Inequality and the Social Safety Net

August 9, 2017


Lunch Break


Estimation of Policy Counterfactuals

August 10, 2017


Neighborhoods, Intergenerational Mobility, and Opportunity in the United States


Lunch Break


Social Determinants of Inequality

August 11, 2017


Heterogeneity and Neighborhood Poverty


Topics at the Intersection of Criminology and Economics


Lunch Break